One is NTttcp which is a multithreaded, asynchronous application that sends and receives data between two or more endpoints and reports the network performance for the duration of the transfer. It is essentially a Winsock-based port of the ttcp tool that measures networking performance in terms of bytes transferred per second and CPU cycles per byte. Because it can be difficult to diagnose a system's overall performance without dividing the system into smaller subsystems, NTttcp allows users to narrow the focus of their testing and investigation to just the networking subsystem.
One other tool I found useful and easy to use was NetCPS which is similar to NTttcps but has a simpler report which is ok in most cases.
Here are sample reports from these two tools:
For NTttcp report looks like this:
C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Corporation\NT Testing TCP Tool>NTttcpr -m 1,0, -a 6 -fr
Copyright Version 3.0
Network activity progressing...
Thread Realtime(s) Throughput(KB/s) Throughput(Mbit/s) Avg Bytes per Completion
====== =========== ================ ================== ========================
0 127.312 10542.426 84.339 52066.773
Total Bytes(MEG) Realtime(s) Average Frame Size Total Throughput(Mbit/s)
================ =========== ================== ========================
1342.177280 127.312 1258.575 84.339
Total Buffers Throughput(Buffers/s) Pkts(recv/intr) Intr(count/s) Cycles/Byte
============= ===================== =============== ============= ===========
20480.000 160.865 1 4372.05 63.6
Packets Sent Packets Received Total Retransmits Total Errors Avg. CPU %
============ ================ ================= ============ ==========
581770 1066426 12 0 18.67
For NetCPS report is a bit simpler:
C:\Documents and Settings\divankovic\My Documents\Downloads\NetCPS>netcps -serve
r -m1000
NetCPS 1.0 - Entering server mode. Press ^C to quit
Waiting for new connection...
Client connected from
---> CPS 6232910.00 KPS: 6086.83 MPS: 5.94
Avrg CPS 5769014.00 KPS: 5633.80 MPS: 5.50
Peek CPS 6642190.00 KPS: 6486.51 MPS: 6.33
Client disconnected. 104857600 Kb transferred in 18.18 seconds.
Here is NTttcp tool and here is NetCPS tools.
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